Sunday, 28 August 2011


I watched a lovely film once called "pay  it forward"  the premis being that if someone did you a good deed you didn't pay them back but you then had to do someone else a good deed.
it is a typical chick flick made me cry even though it was a lovely film but i love the idea behind it , and it has apparently led to RAOK days, Random Acts of Kindness in the states particularly, and i have to say that this would be a good american thing to adopt.

I think we should have several a year, think how much fun it would be, so what do we say UK are we up for some RAOK, days.

come on lets use social networking and mobile phones for spreading good things, lets pick a day and get the word out there!!!!


  1. I like that idea

  2. I loved that film! RAOK is a great idea. Put me on the list.
