Friday, 19 August 2011

The first random thought

Tell me is it wrong to find yourself sat in your car out side the doctors on your way to a grief counsellors appointment roaring with laughter as you have just had a discussion with your dead fathers ashes.  

Because you have to put him in the boot of the car, as the woman from the funeral directors has put him in a fancy gift bag for you to bring home and your afraid some one will steal him, like the dog in a suitcase! (which is a whole other story all on its own) if you leave him on the passenger seat with his seatbelt on (as you were worried he would fall off and you hated the idea of having to vac him out of the car mats.

so back to my original question is is wrong?

1 comment:

  1. Definitely not wrong, very funny in fact. Love the idea that he is in a gift bag!! Visiting you from Sians. I love the 'random thoughts rant'. It is what my family say I do all the time so I decided to read you from the beginning.
