Sunday, 7 October 2012

Where is Baby Jesus?

The first Sunday in the month is Storytelling Sunday. This is brought to you through the lovely Sian over at FromHighintheSky. Why not go over there after you have read my contribution and take a look at all the other stories from around the world.

We have three lovely cats called Blue, Rosie Custard and Ruby Tulip, Blue is the elder statesman and has been with us for 13 Years, the other two are new comers and we part of the deal with our Daughter to move House AGAIN as we had moved from Manchester to live with my mum until we found a place but Miss Boo wasn't keen on packing all her stuff and moving again and as a result negotiated a Kitten and never moving as the price for her moving with us (she was just 6 at the time).

Any how move we did into our little cottage, and our first Christmas was fast approaching and as miss Boo was keen that we have all our traditional items on display - this included a Nativity scene that I and Miss Boo's much elder step-brother had made one wet school holiday it consisted of the usual suspects Mary Joseph, Kings, Shepperd's, a cow, a sheep, a donkey, an angel and of course the star of the show Baby Jesus. 

Now i have to admit the kings crowns were looking a bit worse for their trek across after the star and the Donkey only had three legs, the cow only one eye and to be honest the sheep looked like a grounded cloud, but Miss Boo loved it so it took its place under the Christmas tree nestled in the green folds of the felt we used to hide the tree stand.  Mary and Joseph looked down proudly at the little bundle in the tissue paper wrap in the manger, that was until one afternoon on returning from school, we discovered the sheep and the Kings on the floor and the Manger EMPTY, we searched high and low but couldn't find baby Jesus, now our middle cat Rosie had taken a liking to the duvet in Miss Boos doll House and was for ever having to have it removed from her growling grasp and be returned to the 
doll house, and as Baby Jesus had been under a little felt blanket in his manger we assumed that Rosie had been the force that had swept the sheep and the kings onto the floor, but try as we might in all her favourite hiding places we could not find baby Jesus.

We put the rest of the scene back together and I have to admit that I forgot about the missing baby Jesus until I over heard Miss Boo sitting with Rosie on her lap saying "Now Rosie, I forgive you for EATING baby Jesus, but I am not sure that god will forgive you for eating his son, so you might be going to hell.   I feel i must add here that miss Boo attends the local Roman Catholic Primary school.  I exited quickly before my laughing alerted her to my eves dropping. 

How ever there is a Happy end to the story as we recently had to move our fridge freezer (it involves golf clubs and is way to complicated a story) and there in with the inevitable dust bunnies was a Naked but very much un-chewed baby Jesus, so Rosie is OK !


  1. oh that cat is so going to hell anyway!!! just because she has clown's tears on her face and a beauty spot on her nose she is still the devil incarnate.
    Wonderful story!

  2. What a fantastic story! It brought a smile to my face.

  3. It's a brilliant story! I'm delighted to hear that the baby Jesus survived intact after all lol

    It's so good to have you with us this month. Thank you!

  4. Oh I love the idea of the cat eating Baby Jesus and explaining her actions to God :) Thanks for the smile!

  5. That cat has a few more lives left. Baby Jesus may need to take shelter on the mantlepiece this year! Great story but I would love to know about those golf clubs...

  6. That is a lovely story and I'm glad that Baby Jesus was found in the end.

  7. Great story, poor cat being told such scary things lol.

  8. Ha ha, I'm glad baby jesus was okay! x
